How to Block the NSA From Your Friends List


How to Block the NSA From Your Friends List

Diaspora Died With Ilya


Diaspora Died With Ilya

Briefe an den neuen Landtag – lass uns Friendica sein


Briefe an den neuen Landtag – lass uns Friendica sein

Faster searches in friendica via “match”?

By now #friendica is using regexps in the sql queries for searching for entries:

$sql_extra .= sprintf(" AND 'item'.'parent' IN (SELECT distinct('parent') from item where ( 'author-link' regexp '%s' or 'tag' regexp '%s' or tag regexp '%s' )) ",

The problem is: It’s slow. AFAIK MyBB is using the built-in functions from MySQL to make full text searches like they are described here:

Shouldn’t we switch to that mechanism as well?