Suspect in Quebec Mosque Attack Quickly Depicted as a Moroccan Muslim. He’s a White Nationalist.

Tatverdächtig des Moschee-Überfalls in Quebec ist ein weißer Nationalist. Rechte Medien hetzen lieber auf Moslems.
Suspect in Quebec Mosque Attack Quickly Depicted as a Moroccan Muslim. He’s a White Nationalist.

Both the White House and Fox News helped to spread these false claims, and have still not retracted them.

Legal Threats By Charles Harder & Shiva Ayyadurai Targeting More Speech

Da gibt es also diese Person, die behauptet “E-Mail” erfunden zu haben – und die verklagt jeden, der es bezweifelt.
Legal Threats By Charles Harder & Shiva Ayyadurai Targeting More Speech

Let’s say right upfront: if you are unaware, Shiva Ayyadurai is currently suing Techdirt for our posts concerning Ayyaduria’s claims to have invented email. Ayyadurai’s lawyer in this matter is Charles Harder, the lawyer who filed…